TrueNorth Day of Giving
February 22, 2022
By now, you know TrueNorth is turning 50 this year. As part of our celebration, we have set Tuesday, February 22 as our first annual TrueNorth Day of Giving.
The TrueNorth Day of Giving is an opportunity for supporters to come together on one day to show their commitment to our mission of bringing together influencers, innovators, and change-makers to inspire hope and create a better world. During the 24-hour event, we are asking the community to meet the challenge of raising $15,000 to strengthen communities for individuals and families.
“There’s a few ways to get involved,” said Mark Kraus, our Community Liaison and Development Director. “You can make a financial donation on the Day of Giving; February 22 and unite with compassionate people like yourselves by giving at the link below. Your gift provides safety, improves self-sufficiency, and builds social capital in our communities,” he continued.
You can also help spread the word about TrueNorth’s Day of Giving. Share your passion for helping those in need. Encourage your friends and family to give a gift to help the families who urgently need the support TrueNorth programs offer, and if you are on social media, be sure to like and share our Facebook posts about the TrueNorth Day of Giving on the 22nd.
If you have additional questions, please contact Mark Kraus at (231) 924-0641 ext. 161 or