For single-mother Susan, the upcoming Christmas season is not the time of joy she hoped for. She recently lost her job and is struggling to find flexible full-time work where she can still take care of her eleven-year-old daughter Allie and pay all of the bills. Susan is dreading the holidays because she worries about the stress her family’s situation is having on Allie and wants to give her a sense of normalcy.
Due to compassionate supporters like you, Susan will participate in TrueNorth’s Children’s Christmas Programs. Susan is thrilled to have the opportunity to pick out gifts she knows Allie will love. She will select a game, toy, art supplies, a hat and gloves, socks and a book among other gifts for Allie to open on Christmas.
Susan says that she tries to teach gratitude to Allie and encourages her to always look on the bright side, but this year it is challenging for both of them to remain positive. She expresses how overwhelmingly thankful she is to know that despite their financial struggles this year, Allie will carry the joyful memory of this Christmas for years to come thanks to kindhearted supporters like you.
When Allie opens her gifts on Christmas, she will have both the joy of receiving the gifts her mother picked for her while also knowing she lives in a community that cares. Because of your generosity, Allie and Susan will be able to celebrate Christmas without worrying about their situation.
You can help families just like Susan’s by making a gift to TrueNorth’s Children’s Christmas Programs. Through your support, you can lighten the hearts of thousands of local children just like Allie in our community.
With the rising cost of living, more and more families need your help. Many do not have the means to make ends meet, let alone celebrate the season. But through your gift, you can inspire hope, joy and love in our children.
You can make a real difference in the lives of our children and their families. Make a generous gift today and bring joy and stability to the children in our community. Gifts can be made by clicking right here.