New Connections Built

New Connections

Both Community Connections and Camp Newaygo work to build connections and resilience through shared experiences. Combining these two programs at an intergenerational event this month created a fun, unique experience for participants and campers.

Campers and staff from Camp Newaygo’s Spanish Immersion Day Camp came to TrueNorth to gather together for a meal of Mexican street food with Community Connections participants. The campers also shared a camp song in Spanish with the group, showing a snapshot of what they had learned during the week.

Having the Day Campers join Community Connections’ participants for a meal made an impact on everyone involved. “When you spend seven days a week eating alone basically, it’s nice to have somebody to actually eat with–have a conversation,” says Community Connections participant Cindy.

For day camper Lauren, she had fun sharing a meal with new people and the friends she made at Camp Newaygo. While she was nervous singing in front of others, overall she enjoyed the new experience.

“That was really cute…having the kids sit at the different tables so you could actually converse with them, that was cool,” says Cindy about the event. “I think it’s a wonderful idea because some kids don’t have the opportunity to, you know, be around their grandparents.”

Engaging with new people from different generations helps broaden horizons and form new relationships. This event partnered between Community Connections and Camp Newaygo allowed participants, young and older, to connect and learn from one another for a fun-filled, engaging experience for all.

Heather Turns Her House into a Home

Heather Turns Her House into a Home

“Seeing my home with the repairs done makes me smile when I see my house now,” says Neighborhood Enhancement Program participant, Heather, about the impact the program has had on her and her home.

Living in Hesperia since 2012, Heather has grown to love the close-knit community. She bought and still resides in her current home and works in Hesperia as well. Unfortunately, the siding and shutters were in need of repair and the cost was too high for Heather to afford.

But, through recommendation from a friend in the community, Heather applied for the Neighborhood Enhancement Program, in partnership with MSHDA, and received the repairs she needed. Heather says, “It’s been a blessing because my siding was really bad.”

Local contractors worked on Heather’s home. Knowing the program was also helping provide opportunities for others in her community made the process even more special to Heather.

Receiving these repairs has “relieved a lot of stress” for Heather. Having one less thing to worry about has helped her focus on other aspects of her life. Not only that, the repairs have had a positive impact on the community of Hesperia overall.

Knowing she has the support of her neighbors and community is comforting for Heather. “I like living in a smaller community,” she says. “We look out for each other.” Many of her neighbors stopped by after she had the repairs done to tell her how nice it looks, helping Heather take pride in her home.

Now, Heather continues to live in Hesperia and is happy to see the repairs the program has done for others in her community. She even recommends the program to those she thinks would benefit from it, just like had been previously done for her.

“It’s a great program,” says Heather. “It’s definitely helped boost our community.”

A white house and garage before receiving repairs through the Neighborhood Enhancement Program.

Ashley Finds Community

Tools for School Helps Ashley Find Community

“It just helps out,” says Ashley Shields, about TrueNorth’s Tools for School event. “Just to get all the information that’s out there, the resources. There’s a lot more out there than what I anticipated.”

Ashley has participated in TrueNorth Community Services’ Tools for School event for the past two years. Ashley has two daughters, one going into second grade and the other going into third grade. From picking out their backpacks to seeing all the community resources available, coming to Tools for School helps set up Ashley’s family for success this school year and beyond.

Ashley says, “It helps a lot of families that can’t provide, you know, for their children. Because everything’s gone up.” With rising costs, getting these essential items for school helps relieve stress from Ashley and parents just like her. The convenience of having everything in one place from school supplies and community resources to haircuts makes a major difference as Ashley gets her kids ready for the upcoming school year.

Not only does Tools for School provide a number of resources to families just like Ashley’s, but it also fosters feelings of togetherness. Ashley says, “I like how everybody gets together too. It feels good, like safe.” Having families come together for the same purpose of preparing their children for school creates a sense of community. Not only does this help build excitement for the school year, but it also helps families just like Ashley’s feel seen and supported.

Help families just like Ashley’s by giving to Tools for School. Many in our community struggle to get everything their kids need for school due to the rising costs of living, but through your support, you can provide students with the tools they need to succeed both inside and outside the classroom.

You can level the playing field for over 1,000 local children. Your gift will not only supply the physical tools needed for school but will also provide access to resources that will help students and their families flourish. Click here to make a caring gift today and ensure the next generation thrives.

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6308 S. Warner Ave
PO Box 149
Fremont, MI 49412

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