Bowlapalooza is back! You can make a lasting, positive difference in the lives of Newaygo
County youth simply by participating in Bowlapalooza. Join us on April 20th or 21st at
Fremont Lanes for this fun and active fundraiser for TrueMentors, TrueNorth’s mentoring
program. This event, which is the single largest fundraising event for TrueMentors, supports the
pairing of positive adult role models with youth in Newaygo County. One small act can have a
huge impact!

Join us for two free games of bowling (with shoe rental included) and a cool, new Bowlapalooza
2023 T-shirt, so you can show everyone how you are supporting area youth, when you raise $40
in donations to support the cause! Everyone who raises at least $75 will also get an will also
get an insulated tumbler. The top fundraisers for each session will be acknowledged as such and
crowned “King” or “Queen” of the Bowling Alley, and the top overall fundraiser will win the grand
prize of a $500 Meijer gift card. Grand prize will be awarded to the adult individual (age 21 and
older) with the most donations collected and turned in at the time of bowl.

We are offering a variety of times over these two days for your convenience: April 20, 5:30 – 7:30
p.m.; or April 21, 5 – 7 p.m. or 7:30 – 9:30 p.m., all at Fremont Lanes, 5885 S. Warner Avenue in Fremont.
Visit for more information or to register and access the on-line
fundraising options, or contact Melanie Baden at (231) 924-0641, ext. 174 or Read more in the Spring Navigator right here!