Be a Mentor. Pass it On.
At its core, Mentoring is simply about building a relationship with a child and being available to listen and support. It’s as easy as taking them fishing, window shopping at the mall, or playing catch in the park. With eleven local children currently on the waiting list, we have a great need for adult mentors. We hope our “Be a Mentor. Pass it On.” campaign can help fill this void.
“There is overwhelming evidence of the positive impact having an adult mentor can have on a child,” said Serena Lafferty, TrueNorth’s Youth Mentoring Specialist. Due to the importance mentoring plays on the life of a child, TrueNorth is committed to mentoring programs and has offered mentoring services since 1976. Today, operating under TrueMentors, we offer a variety of one-to-one, and group mentoring programs to Newaygo County youth.
If you, or someone you know, might be interested, please contact Serena today at (231) 924-0641, ext. 174 or slafferty@truenorthservices.