Homelessness may not be as readily visible in rural communities as it is in urban environments, but that doesn’t make it any less real or difficult. During the month of November, as we try to shed light on the subject, we have been sharing stories from a number of different perspectives. Below are three videos, each with a unique view of homelessness.
In this first video, our Housing & Community Resource Navigator, Julie Vitale sat down with a local business owner and landlord, Jeff Nelson and asked him about the difficulties, real and perceived, landlords may address when faced with the possibility of renting to formally or currently homeless renters.

People rarely become homeless overnight. In our second video, we talk to “Alex” and learn how he came as close as he would care to becoming homeless. He tells us about each step that led him closer and closer to being on the street, and how TrueNorth was able to give him a hand up.

Talking to young children about the issues surrounding homelessness can be a daunting task for parents. Our third video take a “novel” approach to this as Barbara Sims, owner of Storybook Village Bookstore in Pentwater reads the children’s book; “A Place to Stay – a Shelter Story”. The book is written by Erin Gunti, illustrated by Esteli Meza, and published and read with permission by Barefoot Books www.barefootbooks.com.