Camp Newaygo Donation

There are multiple ways to support Camp Newaygo:

  • Your Changing Lives donation supports annual operation of Camp’s great programs
  • Your Send a Kid to Camp donation provides scholarships to Girls Overnight and Co-ed Day

Sustainability Gifts:

  • Acorn Reserve Fund: addresses extenuating circumstances as deemed by the Camp Newaygo Advisory Board and approved by the TrueNorth Board of Directors
  • Director’s Discretionary Fund: to address more immediate concerns at the Camp Director’s discretion in consultation with the Camp Newaygo Advisory Board
  • Camp Newaygo Endowment Fund: to be invested in perpetuity with income used following the TrueNorth Endowment Policies

Contact Us

(231) 924-0641

6308 S. Warner Ave
PO Box 149
Fremont, MI 49412

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    TrueNorth Community Services is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
    Copyright © TrueNorth Community Services